2:58 PM
Melana Philipo

Praise be to our lord Jesus Christ! I will give you my very long story but in brief as I have to rush to the farm for digging .My name is Melana Philipo Msigwa. I was born in 1972 in the eastern district of Morogoro Region. In total we are three kids of which (1) boy and two (2) girls. My father died when I was a little child and I don't even know him. After my father died, my mother got married(inherited) to my uncle (my father's elder brother) as his second wife, according to our tradition. She took along with her and we were adopted by a uncle and he raised us as his children Life was not good because my mother and my stepmother didn't understand each other this led to constant quarrels between both of them. My stepmother was always accusing my mother to her husband and this made my uncle always beat my mother severely. later on my stepmother started going to the healers to kill my mother. After some time my mother's condition changed and she began to have very severe stomach pains that almost caused her death. When my mother felt it was enough and she could not live in such a way she decided to run to Iringa Region for her safety.

After the mom left, our stepmother turned against us and began to persecute us at incredible levels. We were beaten and chased from the house at night and I remember us sleeping in the forest many times,she deprived us of food, clothing, and even medical rights. I studied in very tough conditions from 1981-1987. After finishing school the situation got worse, I decided to escape and went to live with my other uncle. Life here changed because it was a quiet life. One day someone was sent by my uncle to come and pick me up to take me to my stepmother. But I was not brought to my stepmother, instead I was taken to another uncle , they called for a meeting that night and their conclusion was that he should contribute to raising them as the others were tired of us so they forced him to take me in. I personally did not approve of that, so when they were leaving, I followed them without them noticing until we reached the city where it was easy to get transport and found my way back to my uncle's place where I was living when they came to pick me up

By 1988 I became pregnant and had a successful delivery in 1989. Things became increasingly difficult, the baby began to feel sick and began to have anemia and very time he was added blood through transfusions after just a short time, he ran out of blood ran.We later understood that the kid was bewitched, in the end the he died because I had no help and I didn't know what to do as I was young myself and had no experience to deal with such situations.After my son died ,according to our traditions I had my hair cut and my baby buried. life went from bad to worse with many suffering. I decided to make a decision of drinking and smoking to the highest degree because I was desperate and suffered a lot for a long time from demons that were haunting me ,they knocked me down many times.

I was lucky enough to get married in 1991 and from there I started a new life with my husband. As well as getting married but I went through various challenges, for example when we could plan to do something together,nothing materialized in the end the thing was abandoned, I asked my husband why was was it that way,as we could plan in a very peaceful and amicable way but then after asking my husband became furious and even threatened to kill me that I just decided not to ask anymore . So far we have been blessed with six children. 3 boys and 3 girls.

Meeting with the gospel

After long suffering I began to hear about the word of God,the good news of Jesus. And I experienced more complications and resulted in a series of bleeding problems, but I refused to be saved,refused to hear anything to do with God as i believed that if God was there ,then it wasn't for me, during this period of time I lost two(2) of my sons and then I became more and more confused, and in the end our pastor and a group of missionaries came to me ,we spoke and they told me that Jesus could save me from all my suffering ,they convinced me that God was just waiting for me to accept him ,so I decided to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Ever since I accepted Jesus, my life has changed and I am completely at peace with my family.

My call

Dear brethren, I advise you not to give up, surrender your life to Jesus ,He will help you and if He does not answer now do not be afraid to keep moving forward because there is a day He will answer you as our God is a faithful God.He will never forsake you.

  • I need your prayers
  • I request your help with regards to children school fees.

May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you.Amen

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